Wednesday, April 30, 2014

New instagram

Yo, ppl! I just made an instagram!! It's retro_berry

I only get internet at school atm, so that limits things. Nevertheless! It won't stop me from takin pics every where I have internet hehe. You can also get sneak peeks into outfits that I don't post here or lookbook.
If you guys have instagrams, tell me your usernames n I'll check them out :)

Also I wanted to tell you guys about this cool seller on Asos, Bright91.

She has a lot of really nice looking shoes at affordable prices. Check her out!

Thanks for reading :)


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekly Inspiration

so for my weekly inspiration, I found a lot of cool things that inspire me for like diy projects or sewing projects n maybe stuff to keep an eye out for during thrifting trips.

ive been really into chokers lately (the 90s are coming back!!) and this was on nylon store for a lot, so im like dude this could be a super easy diy. I haven't done it yet, but it's just an idea for whenever I get the motivation to actually do it.

I follow Nylon Mag on facebook so I see a lot of their pics, many included on here. Also, last week I seriously looked through all of Flourshur's blogger. All of the pages. It was a lot of inspiration and I really like her fashion. I included a pic of one of her outfits. I really like the bright, floral shorts, so I can probably see a DIY of something similar in the future.

Also, I can't believe I never thought of button up crop tops. My next thrifting trip, I must do this. It seems like a really great idea and super easy. I think the hardest part is finding a cheap, cool printed shirt that u don't care about cutting up.

I am kinda going out of order but whatever. I saw the Melody Ehsani crop top and it seems like it could also be a really easy DIY. You can find some really cool trim at Joanns n get some bias tape n a plain gray shirt n start cutting n sewing. This might also be a future DIY from me hehe.

I really like the trim on the tropical shorts. I want to add that to a DIY of mine some time cuz it just adds a bit of pizazz n extra personality to a piece.

I hope this inspires you guys a bit too!! Thanks for reading or just looking.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Clouds in the sky but sun in my eyes


sweater: thrifted; dress: topshop; choker: spins; necklace: a gift; sunglasses: spins; chadwicks: thrifted

I envy ppl w photographers. But u gotta make use with what u got. Started using my actual camera instead of my iphone for ootd pics. Much better quality so I was like, why not?
It was super nice today, actually hot at times. Had Shakespeare class outside at near the lake, was really nice. Didn't like when the teacher asked each senior what we are going to do after graduation cuz I have no idea yet. It sucks to have to job search and have papers. And theres less than a month till graduation. Pleaseeeee I don't wanna think about it...

Ive been really liking my hair lately. I have been debating on bleaching lighter though. I just recently bought some stuff to do my roots cuz arg theyre almost an inch wide.

The sweater I got like last summer at my home town's Salvation Army. It looks sufficiently oldwoman-ish with the buttons so I had to buy it.
The dress I bought in Durban at Topshop. It's kinda see through though, so I'm wearing some bike shorts underneath for security hehe.
The shoes I got a salvation army in Ithaca. I was just starting to get into platforms at the time so I think it was a steal. But as I was taking these pics, the strap started to come out of the left shoe. Apparently they are glued into the shoe, which is weird. Id expect them to be sewed in, you know?

Saw some really pretty clouds this morning at school.

I also like this pic. I took it from the house. My camera has p long zoom so I decided to get the nice reflections of the sun on the water.

Thanks for reading :)


Sunday, April 20, 2014

No spiders plz

Choker: ebay; plaid flannel: thrifted; crop top: shirt bot from Michaels then I added the print n cut it up; skirt: handmade; leggings: tjmaxx; doc martens: amazon

I wore this outfit on Saturday when I was heading to town for sushi n stuff with the Japanese Culture Club at my school. The meal was free so of course I went hehe. I left before most of the group so I could be productive but of course I wasn't. Then I started this blog! So all good hehe.

The crop top I just recently cut up cuz I saw a tutorial online on how to make a tie crop top out of an old shirt. I made this shirt in high school as I started to get into diy. I used one of those iron on sheet things that u print the design n iron it on the shirt. It started to chip off soon after, so I started to marker it in but it needs to be markered some more.

The flannel I just recently got in a thrift store haul. Next time I haul, I wanna post about it. It makes me wish I had this blog when I went cuz I got some cool stuff. I got this cool woven vest with a like monk guy print. Its rly cool. I also got these giant pants that I'm currently heavily altering (basically ripping up n sewing my own pants like it was a sheet of fabric.) Its kinda hard since ive never sewn pants before. Im nervous about the crotch area, so im kinda procrastinating on it. But I also have a paper to start and a thesis to finish sooo.... :P

The skirt I made out of some corduroy fabric that was on sale at joanns. I find myself gravitating for it at like every outfit hehe. Its the second circle skirt I made and its my fav! I might make a post about my next circle skirt, which im going to eventually get to cuz I gotta make it before we graduate so I can give it to my friend.

As usual, I saw a really beautiful sunset right out from the deck. It was p nice out today!

The last pic made me think of the lion king...
I took these with my camera. Lately ive just been lazy n using my iphone as a camera, but man its so much better quality w my camera.
I also took a cloud pic!

see you in the next post! thanks for reading or just lookin :)


Taylor Champagne

(view this look here)
Eye choker: some store in Kyoto; Cardigan: thrifted; Tank: Ebay; Shorts: thrifted then altered; suspender tights: Ebay; doc martens: amazon
This is my most popular look on so far in my first month of posting looks. I really like how the pictures came out n stuff. I'm wondering what makes is so much more popular than the other looks I've posted.
The weather has been really strange lately here in the North Country. I can't believe I was able to wear shorts without tights last week and then like the next day it snowed. It's crazy. and kind of annoying. Oh well. I just want a nice spring with sun and a breeze n not just jump from winter to the humid summer.
Well, gotta do some homework. :P


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Hello, world!

Yo, I'm Taylor.

I finally decided to make an actual blog to put all my thrift hauls n fashion n sewing stuff on. I'm excited for what I can use this for. I wanna post my lookbook looks on here, which u can check out at this link as well. I wanna post my sewing projects and online tutorials n such n yes im excited. so here goes.....


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